If your website isn’t mobile-friendly then Google will demote you.

Yes, Google is now ranking websites that are mobile-friendly higher than those that only offer a desktop view.

Imagine you’re on your mobile, see an interesting social post and click the link to some website content that interests you. However, once your browser is open you have real trouble having to scroll around a page designed for a large desktop screen whilst trying to find the bit of content you want to read, or the website just takes ages to load as it’s pulling in some huge desktop centric imagery before you can do anything. You basically give up.

Google has basically decided that these sorts of experiences make your website a less useful resource, as if a large pecentage of the market can’t get a good experience using your site then Google feels that it should promote other sites, that are mobile-friendly, above you.

Google have created a tool you can use to check if your site is mobile friendly or not:

The solution could be quite straight-forward, or you might need to consider a new website. Either way I can help, so get in touch today.