Privacy & Cookies

Please read the below if you want. But there is no annoying cookie notice to process first!


Every client needs to look at their situation around privacy, cookies and other legal notices your website might need. Synthetic Egg believes in simplicity and trust.


Synthetic Egg takes privacy very seriously. Nuff said really.

Okay… so a bit more. You might send Synthetic Egg personal information via a contact form, or by signing up to the newsletter and so on. If you do then Synthetic Egg will do the very best to ensure that information is kept safe, and it will only be used for the purpose for which it was supplied. Synthetic Egg won’t pass on any personal details to anyone else without your express permission. And if you want to view/update any information Synthetic Egg might have then let me know!


Please be aware that this website uses cookies, including third-party cookies (for example Google Analytics), to help manage the website. Continued use of this site implies your acceptance of all cookies used by this site (including essential, functional, tracking and third-party ones). If you wish to continue to use this site without cookies then you can disable them in your web browser (please refer to the help link supplied by your browser), though you may find some areas of the site no longer work as intended.

It’s GDPR Jim, but not as we know it!