Springwood Ceremonies


Client: Springwood Ceremonies (2018)

Details: Springwood Ceremonies create bespoke weddings, baby namings/welcomings, or funeral ceremonies, tailoring each ceremony according to the wishes of those involved so that the ceremonies truly come from the heart. As a new start-up they needed a competitive package of identity and marketing materials to help launch and establish their brand, and loved the fact that Synthetic Egg could offer everything they needed in one place.

The client had a clear idea of what they wanted (based on market research they had already done), and how much they could afford to spend. Together we agreed their prioirities and agreed an initial package within their budget that included:

  • Simple identity and logo
  • Letterhead
  • Business card
  • Postcard leave behind
  • Content managed website
  • Social media site skins (for Facebook and Twitter)
  • And a quarter page advert.

Website: springwoodceremonies.co.uk